Friday, February 25, 2011

"your call is very important to us"

 Automatic phone answering devices that tell us how important our call is.  What a wonderful idea!  People talking to machines.  We have all had the experience.  Is it a good idea that makes sense economically for the companies that use it, or is it just one more attempt to dehumanize us? 

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. This is the best way for companies to convince their clients they _don't_ care about them. If they really did care, they would have humans answer the call. Not to mention that most of the time they do not work right. F'instance, a lot of times, the machines of the credit card companies ask you to "please key in or say your credit card number". So after going the the hassle, and finally speaking to a humanoid, the first question the rep will ask is "what is your account #?" So what was the point of entering it the 1st time.
